> You mean locally on the computer which contains the backup-up files
> (including riff-backup-data) shared via samba?

Yes that's what I meant.
> If yes, a login there is not possible. It is a terastation (=black
> box) with only access via cifs.

So your backup involves "pushing" to the terastation

> And this share is mounted on the linux system running rdiff-backup
> (which I meant with locally, cause the data it wants to back up is on a
> remote host :) )

So, if I understand you correctly, you're backing up from one network
mount point to another? rdiff-backup pulls from source box, and your
mount point "pushes" it over the network to the terastation. That's
the kind of push I meant.


[source box] -> [your box, running rdiff-backup] -> [terastation with
cifs share]
> It is set up that way, as written above :)

You may be able to fix your current problem by running the regression
locally (after an rsync), then rsync your updated rdiff-backup
destination over to the cifs share (move the broken destination
somewhere else first, then remove it later if your new backup dest

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