On September 18, 2022 4:54:41 PM UTC, Robert Nichols 
<rnicholsnos...@comcast.net> wrote:
On 9/18/22 6:51 AM, Eric Lavarde wrote:
Hi Robert,

On 18/09/2022 01:59, Robert Nichols wrote:
The only issue I'm seeing with a v2.0.5 client and a v2.1.2b1 server is that you 
(obviously, in hindsight) have to be using a command line syntax that both versions 
understand, which is the old syntax. That means the client sees a lot of unavoidable 
"deprecated" warnings, and also that future removal of that old syntax from 
v2.1 will break compatibility with v2.0.

You shouldn't need to use the old syntax, as long as you use the API 200. With 
API 201, the server is called with the new syntax (rdiff-backup server ...), 
else (the default) it's called with the old syntax (rdiff-backup --server ...). 
If you observed something different, please create an issue. In any case, you 
can still put whatever you want in the remote schema.

I am trying to run rdiff-backup from the client using the default ssh schema, 
      rdiff-backup --null-separator ${RBaction} {other options} testdir 
where RBaction is "-b" for the old syntax or "backup" for the new.

The client is running v2.0.5, the server is running v2.1.2b1. The default API on the 
server is 200 (according to "rdiff-backup info").

There is no way to stop the server from complaining about the old command 
syntax, and the client of course does not accept the new syntax.

On 9/18/22 2:32 PM, EricZolf wrote:
But it hasn't any practical implication?

The only implication is that, contrary to what Eric Lavarde wrote, you _do_ have to use 
the old syntax and put up with the "deprecated" warnings.

Since I don't see any liklihood of changing that, there is no point in opening 
an issue.

Bob Nichols     "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
                Do NOT delete it.

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