Dear all,

I just realized that I haven't really said anything here about the changes
that we've been making to the CI (continuous integration) system that we're
using for the RDKit.

In case you have no idea what I'm talking about or use CI in a different
way: every pull request or code change that's done on the RDKit github repo
triggers a number of automated processes that build and test the the code
and then report back whether or not they succeeded.

Up until recently we had been using two different systems for this:
TravisCI ( for Linux and Mac builds) and Appveyor ( for Windows builds). These companies provide a
great service to the open-source community by providing free access to
their systems for open-source projects. This is just a fantastic thing. The
Appveyor and TravisCI builds have really helped us ensure that the RDKit is
still passing all of the tests what we've written.

In the reasonably recent past (to be honest, I'm not quite sure when),
Microsoft started providing a similar service, Azure DevOps (, that has the very nice
property that it supports Linux, Windows, and Mac. Back in April Ricardo
(@ricrogz for those of you watching github) figured out how to make the
RDKit builds work with Azure DevOps and submitted the PR to make it all
work. Since then every PR and code change pushed is also sent to Azure
DevOps where the code is built and tested on all three operating systems.
I'm really happy to have everything in one place (particularly since the
build scripts and configuration are pretty easy to modify now that Ricardo
got the initial version working).

We just extended the Azure DevOps build matrix so that it automatically
builds and tests the Java wrappers on Linux and the Mac, which is going to
be a big help for me when it comes to release time. We'll be adding a
Windows version of that as well (testing both the Java and the C#
wrappers). If things go well we can also add tests for the cartridge builds
in the near future. This is great stuff!

Given that we now have good Windows CI through the Azure services and that
the Appveyor RDKit builds have always been kind of second-rate (this isn't
an Appveyor problem: the RDKit is a bit too big for what is available as a
free service from Appveyor), I just disabled the Appveyor integration.

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