Hi *,

When trying to build RDKit for Windows with the MINGW toolchain, the build dies 
during linking:

 [ 49%] Building CXX object 
 [ 49%] Building CXX object 
 [ 49%] Linking CXX shared library ../../../bin/libRDKitFileParsers.dll
 undefined reference to `RDDepict::compute2DCoords(RDKit::ROMol&, std::map<int, 
RDGeom::Point2D, std::less<int>, std::allocator<std::pair<int const, 
RDGeom::Point2D> > > const*, bool, bool, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, bool, 
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** 
bin/libRDKitFileParsers.dll] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:3249: 
Code/GraphMol/FileParsers/CMakeFiles/FileParsers.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:171: all] Error 2

I’m using the following cmake options:


When looking a bit into it, the symbol is in the obj file:
/src/rdkit-Release_2021_03_3/buildw# nm 
Code/GraphMol/Depictor/CMakeFiles/Depictor_static.dir/RDDepictor.cpp.obj | grep 
00000000000030d0 T 

The symbol is in the DLL
000000006f204470 T 

The symbol in in the tree in libRDKitDepictor_static.a
nm libRDKitDepictor_static.a | grep compute2DC 
00000000000030d0 T 

But the symbol is missing in lib/libRDKitDepictor.dll.a

The build works for linux and osx, so it seems to be specific to windows.

I tried to compile all releases from 2021 and the bug is there since 2021_03_1.

I also tried crosscompile which has the same behavior as the native windows 
build (with two different versions of the toolchain for two different Ubuntu 
release) so it seems its not related to a specific gcc version/mingw version.
(cross compile cmake was  cmake -DCMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING=ON 
-DMSVC_RUNTIME_DLL=/work/mingw/msvcr110.dll –
      -DBOOST_ROOT=/work/mingw/mingw64 -DRDK_INSTALL_INTREE=OFF 
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/image/rdk/win ..

I attach a Dockerfile where you can easily reproduce the issue.


p.s.: Also there was a minimal patch required to allow compiling of some 
explicit template instantiations, pls find attached

Attachment: fix_template.patch
Description: fix_template.patch

Attachment: win-x64.cmake
Description: win-x64.cmake

Attachment: Dockerfile
Description: Dockerfile

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