Hi Andrew,

Thanks for this. I didn't know about the futures and progressbar modules.

You wrote:
*I have to use the "zip" because map(f, iterable, [chunksize=None]) only
takes a single iterable. This also means I need to change the
function so that it takes a single element as input, which a 2-element
tuple of the molecule and the count.*

For such cases, there is a more elegant and pythonic way: functools.partial
It just freezes some of the arguments of a function, so you can use map
with a single argument.

In your case:
newfunc = partial(generateconformations, size=n)
map(newfunc, mols)

Best regards,

George P.

On 4 October 2012 22:47, Andrew Dalke <da...@dalkescientific.com> wrote:

> Hi again,
>  Greg asked why I used the concurrent.futures module rather than
> the multiprocessing module which is standard with Python 2.6.
> There are a few differences in the API which makes the futures
> module more interesting. First off, here's how you could write
> the same process pool part using the existing multiprocessing module:
> from multiprocessing import Pool
> p = Pool(5)
> for mol, ids in p.map(generateconformations, zip(suppl, [n]*len(suppl))):
>    for id in ids:
>        writer.write(mol, confId=id)
> I have to use the "zip" because map(f, iterable, [chunksize=None]) only
> takes a single iterable. This also means I need to change the
> "generateconformations"
> function so that it takes a single element as input, which a 2-element
> tuple of the molecule and the count. (That is, change from
> def generateconformations(m, n):
>   ...
> to
> def generateconformations((m, n)):
>   ...
> ).
> That's a touch uglier, but doable.
> Now, when I posted the code yesterday, I should have posted the simplest
> version of the code, which is:
> with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
>    for mol, ids in executor.map(generateconformations, suppl,
> [n]*len(suppl)):
>        for id in ids:
>            writer.write(mol, confId=id)
> Then Greg wouldn't have asked me about how complex my code was. ;)
> This is the easiest to understand. You can see that this API supports
> multiple iterators. I used [n]*len(suppl) to make a new list containing
> repeats of the count, so I could have the twin iterators of the molecules
> and the count. This is a bit simpler than the multiprocessing code.
> In addition, the "with" statement know how to work with an executor. Here
> it means that all submitted jobs must finish before leaving the with block,
> and the process pool will be shut down; even if there's an exception.
> With the multiprocessing module, you need to manage that yourself, or
> trust in the memory manager.
> But I yesterday wrote something more like this:
>    # Submit a set of asynchronous jobs
>    jobs = []
>    for mol in suppl:
>        if mol:
>            job = executor.submit(generateconformations, mol, n)
>            jobs.append(job)
>    # Process the job results (in submission order) and save the conformers.
>    for job in jobs:
>        mol, ids = job.result()
>        for id in ids:
>            writer.write(mol, confId=id)
> The "submit" immediately returns a 'future' object, which is called a
> "promise" in some other language. You can ask for its .result() to
> get its result. That call will block (up to a timeout) if the result
> isn't there. You can also check to see if there is a result.
> The reason I did this is because I usually 1) show a progress bar
> and 2) have enough memory to store all the results in memory.
> I've enjoyed using the 'progressbar' module, from
>  http://pypi.python.org/pypi/progressbar/
> I have code which looks like this:
>    with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor:
>        for (collection, first_id, last_id) in blocks:
>            jobs.append(executor.submit(process_block, tmpdir, config,
> collection, first_id, last_id))
>        widgets = ["Fingerprinting ", progressbar.Percentage(), " ",
> progressbar.ETA(), " ", progressbar.Bar()]
>        pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=len(jobs))
>        for job in pbar(futures.as_completed(jobs)):
>            job.result()
> This submits all of the fingerprinting jobs to the process pool.
> The "futures.as_completed()" function takes an iterable of jobs
> and returns each one as they become available, no matter what the
> order is. Then the ProgressBar sees the new item, updates the
> terminal display to show progress information and an ETA, only
> to return the original object itself as an iterator. Finally,
> I call job.result() in the loop, since .result() will forward
> any exceptions if one had happened during the original call.
> Then if I want the results I iterate over them again:
>    for job in jobs:
>         ... do something with job.result() ...
> BTW, you don't need to keep things around in memory. You can also do
> things purely asynchronously, should the output order not memory.
> In that case, the easiest thing to do is to use a callback function,
> like this:
> def save_conformers(job):
>    mol, ids = job.result()
>    for id in ids:
>        writer.write(mol, confId=id)
> with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
>    # Submit a set of asynchronous jobs
>    for mol in suppl:
>        if mol:
>            job = executor.submit(generateconformations, mol, n)
>            job.add_done_callback(save_conformers)
> Callback functions tend to be harder for most people to conceptualize.
> What this does is tell the submitted 'job' to call the function
> "save_conformers" when each job is complete. The save_conformers
> function will be called with the job object as its only parameter,
> and the function can itself call .result() to get the result and do
> something with it.
> The above might be useful if there are some conformers which take
> 10 minutes to generate, while most others take 5 seconds. In that
> case, you start getting output from the other processes even though
> one of them is stuck for a long time working on a process.
> Far more than you ever wanted to know on this topic. ;)
> Cheers,
>                                 Andrew
>                                 da...@dalkescientific.com
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