On 04/29/2015 01:47 PM, Andrew Dalke wrote:

> Postel's Robustness principle is a mistake.
> See RFC 3117 for elaboration, 
> Or from 
> http://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2011/8/114933-the-robustness-principle-reconsidered/fulltext
>  :

There is a difference between ACM members writing network protocols and
"domain" people writing junk. XML in this example

> Or http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2004/01/11/PostelPilgrim for
> an example with XML.

is written by a ball street wanker. Much of xml is. Similarly, MOL/SDF
is written by chemists.

> On the pro-ish side, which
> recommends a "patch" to the law, see  
> http://langsec.org/papers/postel-patch.pdf .

I've spent enough time looking for definitive documentation on any
number of file formats to know: "domain" people don't do that. With one
or two exceptions to reinforce the rule. Again, c.f. to computer
scientists:  every RFC starts with the definitions of "may", "must", etc.

>>  - if a record contains forbidden values, stop writing to the file,
>> with an error.
> Yes, I agree with this. What constitutes "forbidden"?

Simply put, the ones that lexer will match as "not values".

> If there is an error, does the writer generate a partial record,

My interpretation of "conservative" is wipe out the file then crash and
burn. With a useful error message.

> For what it's worth, those values are acceptable. The following is legal,
> according to the specification:

If you define your lexical tokens properly, no problem. The problem is
when lexer can't decide what's what.

Dimitri Maziuk
BioMagResBank, UW-Madison -- http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu

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