On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 4:16 AM, Guillaume GODIN <
guillaume.go...@firmenich.com> wrote:

> Your solution is perfect!
> glad it worked

> I am currently implementing this article "http://www.mdpi.com/1420-
> 3049/20/10/18279" using RDKit.
Interesting, I hadn't seen that one.

> It's now almost done, I need to check the results on Heat of Formation now
> and understand why my code to get Angle in torsions is not working.
> def Angles(mol):
>     tors = mol.GetSubstructMatches(Chem.MolFromSmarts('[C]-[C;O;S]-[C;
> O;S]-[C]'))
>     conf = mol.GetConformer()
>     A60=0
>     A90=0
>     A102=0
>     for tor in tors:
>         Angle = abs(AllChem.GetDihedralDeg(conf,tor[0], tor[1], tor[2],
> tor[3]))
>         if Angle<=60:
>             A60+=1
>         elif Angle>60 and Angle<=90:
>             A90+=1
>         elif Angle>90 and Angle<=102:
>             A102+=1
>     return (A60,A90,A102)
> Comparing to the publication on Heat of Formation page 18294, I have to
> much more occurences (ie. a factor of 50-100 more then expected).

I suspect that the problem is that the SMARTS you
specify: '[C]-[C;O;S]-[C;O;S]-[C]' won't actually match anything. [C;O;S]
means 'aliphatic C AND aliphatic O AND aliphatic S'. It think you like mean
'[C,O,S]', which is 'aliphatic C OR aliphatic O OR aliphatic S'.
You might also want to think about whether or not you should replace C, O,
S (all of which only match aliphatic elements) with #6, #8, #16 (which can
match aliphatic or aromatic) throughout the SMARTS

> When it will be done I will share the code with you guys.
Cool, I look forward to trying that out.


> BR,
> Guillaume
> ------------------------------
> *De :* Greg Landrum <greg.land...@gmail.com>
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 14 septembre 2016 12:16
> *À :* Guillaume GODIN
> *Cc :* RDKit Discuss
> *Objet :* Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Angstroms Hydrogen bonding
> Hi Guillaume,
> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 10:12 PM, Guillaume GODIN <
> guillaume.go...@firmenich.com> wrote:
>> 1 Does 3D coordinates of a conformer is in Angstroms ?
>> If you read the conformer from a file, for example a mol file, then the
> 3D coordinates are in whatever units they were in in that file. This is
> usually Angstrsom.
> If you generate the conformation using one of the RDKit embedding
> functions, then they are certainly in Angstroms.
>> 2 How to enumerate all HBonding to determine the bond length ?
> Interesting question. Here's a python function that might be a starting
> point:
> def findHBonds(m,confId=-1,possiblePartners='[#8,#7]',
> possibleHs='[#1][#8,#7]',distThresh=2.5):
>     conf = m.GetConformer(confId)
>     partners =[x[0] for x in  m.GetSubstructMatches(Chem.MolFromSmarts(
> possiblePartners))]
>     hs=  [x[0] for x in m.GetSubstructMatches(Chem.
> MolFromSmarts(possibleHs))]
>     res = []
>     for h in hs:
>         ph = conf.GetAtomPosition(h)
>         for partner in partners:
>             if m.GetBondBetweenAtoms(h,partner) is not None:
>                 continue
>             d = conf.GetAtomPosition(partner).Distance(ph)
>             if d<=distThresh:
>                 res.append((h,partner,d))
>     return res
> In order to allow flexibility about what an H bond is, I left the
> definitions of the acceptors (partners in the above code) and polar Hs
> (just Hs in the above code) as SMARTS definitions so that they can be
> customized.
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