
Here's how to read in a molecule and skip aromaticity perception:

In [12]: m =

In [13]:
Out[13]: rdkit.Chem.rdmolops.SanitizeFlags.SANITIZE_NONE

In [14]: Chem.MolToSmiles(m)
Out[14]: 'C1=CC=C(C2=CC=CN=C2C2=CNC=C2)C=C1'

Then you need to find all of the benzene-like rings and set the appropriate

In [16]: def set_aroms(m,pattern='[#6]1=[#6][#6]=[#6][#6]=[#6]1'):
    ...:     p = Chem.MolFromSmarts(pattern)
    ...:     matches = m.GetSubstructMatches(p)
    ...:     for match in matches:
    ...:         for mi in match:
    ...:             m.GetAtomWithIdx(mi).SetIsAromatic(True)
    ...:         for bond in p.GetBonds():
    ...:             mb =
    ...:             assert mb
    ...:             mb.SetBondType(Chem.BondType.AROMATIC)
    ...:             mb.SetIsAromatic(True)

In [17]: set_aroms(m)

In [18]: Chem.MolToSmiles(m)
Out[18]: 'C1=CN=C(C2=CNC=C2)C(c2ccccc2)=C1'

Note that the RDKit does have a simplified aromaticity model available out
of the box that only recognizes aromaticity in 5- and 6- rings, but this
isn't quite as simple as what you're looking for.


On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 6:52 AM, Guillaume GODIN <> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I would like to kekulize the molecule, but only conserve the aromaticity
> knowledge of C6 (benzene like)  type rings
> So what to need to do after this command?
> Chem.rdmolops.Kekulize(mol, clearAromaticFlags=True)
> Should I need to store benzene like location before the Kekulize process
> and restore it after and How to restore it (SetIsAromatic of atoms as true
> and change bondtype )?
> best regards,
> Guillaume GODIN
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