Dear all,

I am looking for a way to extract SMILES scattered in many text documents
(thousands documents of several pages each).

At the moment, I am thinking to scan each words from the text and try to
make a mol object from them using Chem.MolFromSmiles() then store the words
if they return a mol object that is not None.

Can anyone think of a better/quicker way?

Would it be worth storing in a tuple any word that do not return a mol
object from Chem.MolFromSmiles() and exclude them from subsequent search?

Something along those lines

excluded_set = set()

smiles_list = []

For each_word in text:

    If each_word not in excluded_set:

            each_word_mol =  Chem.MolFromSmiles(each_word)

            if each_word_mol is not None:




Would not searching into that growing tuple take actually more time than
trying to blindly make a mol object for every word?

Any suggestion?

Many thanks and regards,

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