On Dec 16, 2016, at 1:55 PM, Stephen Pickett wrote:
> With a 2013 RDkit install we get consistent canonicalization between reaction 
> labelled and unlabelled atoms.
> >>> mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C1CC([*])CCN1')
> >>> Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)
> '[*]C1CCNCC1'
> >>> mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C1CC([*:1])CCN1')
> >>> Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)
> '[*:1]C1CCNCC1'

2013 RDKit didn't preserve the atom order between labeled and unlabeled atoms.

It looked like it for many cases, but there were a few cases where the slight 
change to the initial atom invariants, caused by the atom label, ended up 
affecting the SMILES.

I no longer have an older version of RDKit installed. Going through my notes, 
here was one of the failure cases:

core =>       
 syntax    => 
 canonical => 

For my project I ended up canonicalizing with unlabeled atoms, using the 
_smilesAtomOutputOrder to figure out where the "*" atoms were located in the 
SMILES string, use CanonicalRankAtoms() to figure out which were symmetrical, 
and come up with my own canonical labeling on top of the canonical unlabeled 

> I can understand why canonicalization can be different between versions but 
> I’m not sure whether this change in behaviour is expected?

While it is possible to generate a canonical labeling which preserves the same 
atom order as the canonical unlabeled SMILES (as I did above), that's more 
complicated. It's easier to include the label as part of the atom invariant and 
use the regular canonicalization mechanism.



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