Great idea about the optional training on the day before.

However, I could not see any link (on the eventbrite page) regarding this 
event. There was an option for the dinner & reception, but no training..

Or is the “main UGM registration” a different place than the evenbrite page?


Von: Greg Landrum []
Gesendet: Samstag, 7. April 2018 07:14
An: RDKit Discuss <>; RDKit Developers List 
Cc: Andreas Bender, PhD <>
Betreff: [Rdkit-devel] [Announcement] 7th RDKit UGM in Cambridge UK

Dear all,

This year's RDKit User Group Meeting will take place from 19-21 September in 
Cambridge, UK and is being hosted by Andreas Bender at Cambridge University.

Registration for the RDKit UGM is free:

We will once again mostly stick to what has become a tried and true format:
Days 1 and 2: Talks, lightning talks, roundtable(s), discussion, poster 
sessions, and talktorials. For those who haven’t attended before, talktorials 
are somewhere between a talk and a tutorial, they cover something interesting 
done with the RDKit and include the code used to do the work. During the 
presentation you'll give an overview of what you did and also show the pieces 
of the code that are central to the work. The idea is to mix the science up 
with the tutorial aspects.

Day 3 will be a hackathon: those who choose to stay will spend an intense day 
working in small groups to produce useful artifacts: new bits of code, KNIME 
nodes, KNIME workflows, tutorials, documentation, IPython notebooks, etc. We 
will once again try to structure this a bit by collecting a bunch of ideas for 
things to work on in advance. Two years ago we also did extended tutorials on 
Day 3; if there are volunteers to do tutorials and people interested in 
attending them, we'll repeat that this year as well.

As an experiment this year there will be an optional training day on Tuesday 
the 18th. Andrew Dalke (Dalke Scientific) will offer a course on Python and the 
RDKit and Daria Goldmann (KNIME) will offer a course on KNIME and the RDKit. 
Space for both of these is limited, so we'll do separate registrations for them 
(links will be included on the main UGM registration page). Many thanks to 
Andrew for coming up with the idea to do this!

There will also be, of course, social activities. This year we have the special 
opportunity to have the dinner on the 19th in the Old Library of Pembroke 
College. I can't wait for that. :-)

A more detailed announcement with additional information about place, hotels 
and logistics will follow soon.

We are looking for people who are willing to do presentations, talktorials or 
posters on the first two days. If you're interested in contributing, please 
send Greg and Andreas an email.

Lightning talks don't need to be arranged too far in advance; we will start 
collecting the list of people interested in doing those shortly before the 

Best Regards,
Greg and Andreas

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