Dear Greg,

I have separate SDF files of conformers of the same molecule (they are called 
xxxx_c0.sdf, xxxx_c1.sdf, xxxx_c2.sdf and so on), with a few properties for 
each conformer. I am using the following code to read them into RDKit and align 

for conf in confs:   # loop over my sdf files
    suppl = Chem.SDMolSupplier(conf, removeHs = False)
    if “_c0.sdf” in conf:
        allconfs = suppl[0]
        for i,mol in enumerate(suppl):
            allconfs.AddConformer(mol.GetConformer(), assignId = True)

And then I am using AllChem.AlignMolConformers(allconfs) to align the 
conformers. It all works fine BUT: when I save the aligned conformers with the 
SDWriter, all the conformers have the properties of the very first conformer. 
What should I do to keep the original SDF properties of the conformers from 
before the alignment? Does AddConformer lose the properties or is something 
wrong with how I write them out? I am using the following to save the aligned 
conformers into one sdf:

w = Chem.SDWriter(“aligned.sdf”)
for conf_id in range(len(allconf.GetConformers)):
    w.write(allconfs, confId=conf_id)

What should I do to have all the original SDF properties from the initial 
conformers in the aligned.sdf file?

Many thanks and best regards,

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