Note that it makes a difference whether you do "conda install -c
conda-forge rdkit" or "conda install conda-forge::rdkit". The latter
will pull in less packages from conda-forge.

I'm on Linux, using a somewhat recent environment which has mostly
default channel packages + rdkit::rdkit + openbabel::openbabel +
schrodinger::pymol. This is what I get:

$ conda install conda-forge::rdkit

The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    boost-cpp-1.66.0           |                1        18.8 MB  conda-forge
    boost-1.66.0               |           py36_1         317 KB  conda-forge
    pycairo-1.15.4             |   py36h1b9232e_1          67 KB
    rdkit-2018.03.4            |   py36ha4bbe77_0        19.4 MB  conda-forge
                                           Total:        38.5 MB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    boost:     1.66.0-py36_1              conda-forge
    boost-cpp: 1.66.0-1                   conda-forge
    pycairo:   1.15.4-py36h1b9232e_1

The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

    rdkit:     2018.03.4.0-py36h71b666b_1 rdkit       -->
2018.03.4-py36ha4bbe77_0 conda-forge

$ conda install -c conda-forge rdkit

The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    ca-certificates-2018.10.15 |       ha4d7672_0         135 KB  conda-forge
    certifi-2018.10.15         |        py36_1000         138 KB  conda-forge
    pycairo-1.17.1             |   py36h4d1f301_0         202 KB  conda-forge
    boost-cpp-1.66.0           |                1        18.8 MB  conda-forge
    openssl-1.0.2p             |       h470a237_1         3.1 MB  conda-forge
    boost-1.66.0               |           py36_1         317 KB  conda-forge
    rdkit-2018.03.4            |   py36ha4bbe77_0        19.4 MB  conda-forge
                                           Total:        42.0 MB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    boost:           1.66.0-py36_1              conda-forge
    boost-cpp:       1.66.0-1                   conda-forge
    pycairo:         1.17.1-py36h4d1f301_0      conda-forge

The following packages will be UPDATED:

    ca-certificates: 2018.03.07-0                           -->
2018.10.15-ha4d7672_0    conda-forge
    certifi:         2018.10.15-py36_0                      -->
2018.10.15-py36_1000     conda-forge
    openssl:         1.0.2p-h14c3975_0                      -->
1.0.2p-h470a237_1        conda-forge

The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

    rdkit:           2018.03.4.0-py36h71b666b_1 rdkit       -->
2018.03.4-py36ha4bbe77_0 conda-forge



On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 4:43 PM Greg Landrum <> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 2:21 PM Eric Jonas <> wrote:
>> Greg, I'm all for anything that makes the release process on developers 
>> easier; my main question is : With conda-forge, how hard is it to install 
>> just _one_ package without having everything else (say numpy, pandas, etc) 
>> upgraded to the latest conda-forge version? I've had situations in the past 
>> where i'm like "oh I'd just like the latest ___" and suddenly everything in 
>> my conda env has been upgraded to the bleeding edge.
> That's a great question, and it's one I don't really know the answer to.
> On my PC (I'm on the train, and this is what I have with me), here's what I 
> did:
> - create a new conda environment that includes an rdkit-channel RDKit install
> - uninstall the RDKit from that
> - install the RDKit from the conda-forge channel
> Here's what ends up getting changed:
> ## Package Plan ##
>   environment location: C:\Users\glandrum\Anaconda3\envs\py36_tmp
>   added / updated specs:
>     - rdkit
> The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
>     boost:     1.67.0-py36_vc14_0          conda-forge [vc14]
>     boost-cpp: 1.67.0-vc14_0               conda-forge [vc14]
>     pycairo:   1.16.3-py36_vc14_0          conda-forge [vc14]
>     rdkit:     2018.03.4-py36h857267b_1000 conda-forge
> The following packages will be UPDATED:
>     certifi:   2018.10.15-py36_0                       --> 
> 2018.10.15-py36_1000 conda-forge
>     jpeg:      9b-hb83a4c4_2                           --> 9b-vc14_2          
>   conda-forge [vc14]
>     tk:        8.6.8-hfa6e2cd_0                        --> 8.6.8-vc14_0       
>   conda-forge [vc14]
> The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:
>     icu:       58.2-ha66f8fd_1                         --> 58.2-vc14_0        
>   conda-forge [vc14]
>     libpng:    1.6.35-h2a8f88b_0                       --> 1.6.34-vc14_0      
>   conda-forge [vc14]
>     libtiff:   4.0.9-h36446d0_2                        --> 4.0.9-vc14_0       
>   conda-forge [vc14]
>     pillow:    5.3.0-py36hdc69c19_0                    --> 
> 5.2.0-py36h08bbbbd_0
>     pixman:    0.34.0-hcef7cb0_3                       --> 0.34.0-vc14_2      
>   conda-forge [vc14]
>     vc:        14.1-h0510ff6_4                         --> 14-0               
>   conda-forge
>     zlib:      1.2.11-h8395fce_2                       --> 1.2.11-vc14_0      
>   conda-forge [vc14]
> That's a fair amount of change, but is less than what I thought might happen 
> (I was worried about numpy+pandas+... being updated).
> So that's one data point. What's your take?
> I will try the same thing on my Mac and Linux boxes tomorrow if no one else 
> has done it by then.
> -greg
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