Hi James,

I think the problem here is that you are interpreting the index pairs in each match returned by getSubstructMatches() as if they were the atom indices that form a bond. Instead, each pair corresponds to a (queryAtomIdx, molAtomIdx) pair, and has nothing to do with bonds:


Furthermore, your molecule only has implicit hydrogen atoms, so you should not expect any bonds involving H unless you add explicit hydrogen atoms.

HTH, cheers

On 11/29/18 12:01, James Wallace wrote:
I'm trying to use the Java wrapper to do a basic molecule
fragmentation, greedily matching against anything that fits the SMARTS
"[*;R]-;!@[*]" (effectively any regular bond that isn't part of a ring

As a test case, I'm using a structure with a few obvious bonds that
can be broken, namely (in SMILES)
As the Java Wrapper uses some slightly unusual functions for the
regular runtimes, I have included a toy example:

                 Set<String> output = new HashSet<String>();

                 RWMol mol2 = RWMol.MolFromSmiles(input, 0, true);
                 ROMol patt = RWMol.MolFromSmarts("[*;R]-;!@[*]");

                 Match_Vect_Vect matches = mol2.getSubstructMatches(patt);

                 for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++)
                         Match_Vect match = matches.get(i);
                         for (int j = 0; j < match.size(); j++)
                                 //lazy cloning
                                 RWMol mol_to_manipulate =
RWMol.MolFromSmiles(input, 0, true);
                                 Int_Pair pair = match.get(j);

                                 // Find bond and remove

mol_to_manipulate.removeBond(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond());

                                 String[] temp =

                                 for (String tmp : temp)
                                         if (tmp.length() > 1)
                                                 if (!tmp.equals(input))

                 return output;

When I run the selection on this molecule, I see the bond between atom
0 and 1 (the terminal OH) from both directions (0,1 and 1,0). However,
as the iteration continues, the matches seem to no longer relate to
meaningful bonds (0,7 , 1,8 , 0, 13 , 1,12 , 0,16 ,1,17 etc), and an
attempt to remove them doesn't work as there is no bond to link them.
Am I making some mistake in my handling of the query, or is there
something going on with the matches (I'm making sure to load in a new
molecule each time for the bond removal, but I'm struggling to see how
the mapping follows).

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