RDkit Discussion Group,
    RDkit has quite a number of useful tools and algorithms for ligand-based
drug design (LBDD).  However, what about structure-based drug design (SBDD)?  
Perhaps a few questions to motivate the discussion.
    1) Since RDkit supposedly includes the force field MMFF, does this mean 
that one can read in reasonably prepared proteins (from a PDB file) and 
ligands(from a MOL file) and compute energies of the complex, proteins, and 
ligands and presumably interaction energies, etc?
    2) Visualization is clearly important in SBDD.  Has anyone developed a tool
that nicely integrates macromolecular editing and visualization with RDkit?
    3) Given the visualization capabilities of Jupyter, has anyone developed
Jupyter/RDkit scripts for #1 and #2?
    I welcome thoughts and comments especially from those who have been thinking
about or are wrestling with SBDD and RDkit integration.  Thank you.
    Jim Metz

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