Hi Rafal,
It is not always possible to preserve the atom ordering in the SMILES
string because there is an implied bond between contiguous symbols in the
SMILES. I think, for example, that the molecule with the SMILES OCCl
couldn’t have the order in the molecule object O first, Cl second, C third,
with bonds between 1 and 3 and 2 and 3 and get the SMILES in that order.

I hope that made sense. Please ask again if not.

Best regards,

On Mon, 18 Nov 2019 at 12:33, Rafal Roszak <rmrmg.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there any way to preserve atom order from Mol object during
> exporting to smiles? I tried MolToSmiles with rootedAtAtom=0 and
> canonical=False options but it not always prevent oryginal order.
> I know I can use _smilesAtomOutputOrder to map old indices to new one
> in canonical smiles but maybe we have something more handy?
> Best,
> Rafał
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