Hi All,

started to play around with the rdkit cartridge and I was wondering how to 
correctly use the mol_to_svg function.

On rdkit homepage I only found this:

mol_to_svg(mol,string default ‘’,int default 250, int default 200, string 
default ‘’) : returns an SVG with a drawing
of the molecule. The optional parameters are a string to use as the legend, the 
width of the image, the height of the image,
and a JSON with additional rendering parameters. (available from the 2016_09 

The interesting part are the rendering parameters. Is there a list of them and 
some examples of this function?

I tried stuff like below:

mol_to_svg(mol, 'Test', 150, 100, '{"bondLineWidth": 1, "legendFontSize": 0.5}')

There is no error but the "JSON" options are not applied. The image always 
looks the same with for my taste too thick bonds.

Best Regards,

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