Dear Paolo

Thank you for this illustrative example. I tried the same method on a few
other molecules and didn't find consistent results. In the notebook
attached, the first molecule is left with a bivalent carbon, and the second
molecule is only sanitized after explicitly calling the SanitizeFrags
option when getting individual fragments. Am I missing something?

Kind regards

On Tue, 18 Feb 2020 at 11:17, Paolo Tosco <>

> Hi Puck,
> I modified your previous example to use FragmentOnBonds():
> from rdkit import Chemfrom rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole, 
> MolsToGridImage
> smiles = "COC"mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles("COC")mol
> Here there are no hydrogens (as expected from the SMILES)
> mol = Chem.AddHs(mol)mol
> mol_f = Chem.FragmentOnBonds(mol, (2,))
> mol_f
> for a in mol_f.GetAtoms():
>     if (a.GetAtomicNum() == 0):
>         # convert the dummy into hydrogen
>         a.SetAtomicNum(1)
>         # if you do not need the labels, you may clear them
>         a.SetIsotope(0)
> mol_f
> Cheers,
> p.
> On 18/02/2020 09:45, Puck van Gerwen wrote:
> Dear Paolo
> Thanks very much for your continuous help. I'm not sure I like the idea of
> explicitly defining the valence, so I'll consider switching to
> FragmentOnBonds(). From the example you gave previously though, it quenched
> the fragments with dummy atoms rather than hydrogen. Is it possible to
> quench with hydrogen using FragmentOnBonds()?
> Kind regards
> Puck
> On Mon, 17 Feb 2020 at 13:42, Paolo Tosco <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Puck,
>> sorry dor the delay in replying.
>> After removing the bond you will need to adjust the number of explicit Hs
>> on both ends with SetNumExplicitHs(), and then add those Hs in the
>> molecule graph as real atoms with Chem.AddHs():
>> rwmol = Chem.RWMol(mol)
>> bonds = rwmol.GetBonds()
>> b = rwmol.GetBondWithIdx(2)
>> a1 = b.GetBeginAtom()
>> a2 = b.GetEndAtom()
>> rwmol.RemoveBond(a1.GetIdx(), a2.GetIdx())
>> a1.SetNumExplicitHs(a1.GetNumExplicitHs() + 1)
>> a2.SetNumExplicitHs(a2.GetNumExplicitHs() + 1)
>> rwmol = Chem.AddHs(rwmol, explicitOnly=True)
>> The rdmolops.FragmentOnBonds() functions adjusts the valences for you,
>> but you will need to adjust them manually if you do the fragmentation at a
>> lower level with RemoveBond().
>> I have attached the modified notebook.
>> Cheers,
>> p.
>> On 12/02/2020 10:03, Puck van Gerwen wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am trying to read in SMILES to generate mol objects which I then break
>> into fragments using rwmol.RemoveBond(). Thereafter I want to sanitize the
>> fragments by saturating with hydrogen. However, I am finding that rdkit
>> often doesn't sanitize the fragments consistently, leaving trivalent carbon
>> atoms. I've attached a jupyter notebook of an example. Could anyone help me
>> consistently generate sanitized fragments?
>> Best regards
>> --
>> *Puck van Gerwen*
>> Doktorandin / PhD candidate
>> Departement Chemie
>> Klingelbergstrasse 80
>> CH-4056 Basel
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>> Rdkit-discuss mailing 
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> --
> *Puck van Gerwen*
> Doktorandin / PhD candidate
> Departement Chemie
> Klingelbergstrasse 80
> CH-4056 Basel

*Puck van Gerwen*
Doktorandin / PhD candidate
Departement Chemie
Klingelbergstrasse 80
CH-4056 Basel

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