Dear all

This year's RDKit User Group Meeting will take place from 6-8 October in
Berlin, Germany and is being hosted by Djork-Arné Clevert and Floriane
Montanari at Bayer AG,  Digital Technologies.

Registration for the RDKit UGM is free:

We will once again stick to what has become a tried and true format:
Days 1 and 2: Talks, lightning talks, roundtable(s), discussion, poster
sessions, and talktorials. For those who haven’t attended before,
talktorials are somewhere between a talk and a tutorial, they cover
something interesting done with the RDKit and include the code used to do
the work. During the presentation you'll give an overview of what you did
and also show the pieces of the code that are central to the work. The idea
is to mix the science up with the tutorial aspects.

Day 3 will be a hackathon and training sessions: those who choose to stay
will spend an intense day working in small groups to produce useful
artifacts: new bits of code, KNIME nodes, KNIME workflows, tutorials,
documentation, Jupyter notebooks, etc. As usual we will try to structure
this a bit by collecting a bunch of ideas for things to work on in advance.
We will also try and organize a couple of training/tutorial sessions for
people who are interested in that.

There will also be, of course, social activities. We will be announcing
more details about these later.

A more detailed announcement with additional information about place,
hotels and logistics will follow soon.

We are looking for people who are willing to do presentations, talktorials
or posters on the first two days. If you're interested in contributing,
please send the three of us an email.
Lighting talks don't need to be arranged too far in advance; we will start
collecting the list of people interested in doing those shortly before the

*COVID-19 note*: At the time we're planning this (in late April), it's not
at all certain that we'll be able to actually hold the UGM. Since we think
it's super valuable (and fun!) to get people together in one place for
these events, we've decided to try. At the moment it looks like things
should be back to normal enough in Germany that we will be able to actually
do the UGM, but we realize that this could easily change and will also make
preparations for a purely virtual version of the UGM, just in case.

We know that this isn't just our decision, some people may not be able to
travel to Berlin due to government- or employer-imposed travel restrictions
or may just feel uncomfortable arranging a trip at this point, since having
a UGM without attendees doesn't make sense, we want to hear from the
community before making any final decisions. So... please take a minute and
answer the four multiple choice questions here:

Best Regards,
Greg, Okko, and Floriane
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

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