Hi Jason,
The answer is that when you delete the molecule, the memory it uses is
flagged as available for re-use,  but nothing else happens to it. If you
then de-reference pointers to it, such as the atoms that are buried in the
block of memory allocated to the molecule, you may get away with it and you
may not. It will depend on whether something else has written over the
memory or not. In your example, the memory was still in its original state,
so the de-referencing of the atom pointers succeeded. This is not
guaranteed, however, and this sort of bug is generally very nasty to find-
sometimes the code will run, sometimes it will crash. Worse still is if you
accidentally write to de-allocated memory that something else is now using-
you can then get failures 5 minutes later in a completely different part of
the program.

Deleting the atoms is also an error, because they will be deleted by the
molecule’s destructor, so you’ll be de-allocating the memory twice, another
exciting source of undefined behaviour. Valgrind is excellent for tracking
down these sorts of error, and many more besides.  If you’re developing on
Linux, it’s good practice to use it on any code before you use that program
in earnest.


On Thu, 27 Aug 2020 at 20:17, Jason Biggs <jasondbi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Everything I know about C++ I learned just so that I can write a link
> between an interpreted language and the rdkit, so there are definitely some
> gaps in my knowledge.
> What I'm trying to understand right now is the expected lifetime of an
> Atom pointer returned by a molecule, for instance by the getAtomWithIdx
> method.  Based on the documentation, since this method doesn't say the user
> is responsible for deleting the returned pointer I know I'm not supposed to
> delete it. But when exactly does it get deleted?  If I dereference it after
> deleting the molecule, what is it?
> auto mol = RDKit::SmilesToMol("CCCC");
> auto atom = mol->getAtomWithIdx(0);
> auto m2 = atom->getOwningMol();
> std::cout << "Z=" << atom->getAtomicNum() << std::endl;  // prints Z=6
> delete mol;
> std::cout << "Z=" << atom->getIdx() << std::endl; // prints Z=0
> std::cout << "N=" << m2.getNumAtoms() << std::endl;// prints N=4
> delete atom; // seg fault
> I would have thought the first time dereferencing the atom pointer after
> deleting mol would have crashed, but it does not.  I would also have
> expected bad things when calling the getNumAtoms method on m2 after calling
> delete on mol, but this also works just fine.  What am I missing?
> Thanks
> Jason
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