Dear Gustavo,

As Omar described, you can get each conformer with confId.
Here is an example for rendering multiple confromers with py3Dmol.

I hope this will help you.



2021年1月8日(金) 8:48 Omar H94 <>:

> Dear  Gustavo,
> The show_rdkit function has a "conf_id" keyword argument that takes the id
> of the conformer to display. You may see the documentation:
> To get a conformer of a mol as an independent mol, you may use the
> following function which takes a mol and a conformer id then returns a new
> mol that has only the specified conformer:
> def ConfToMol(mol, conf_id):
>     conf = mol.GetConformer(conf_id)
>     new_mol = Chem.Mol(mol)
>     new_mol.RemoveAllConformers()
>     new_mol.AddConformer(Chem.Conformer(conf))
>     return new_mol
> I hope this works for you.
> Best regards,
> Omar
> On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 1:58 AM Gustavo Seabra <>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Could anyone please help me with ideas on how to visualize
>> molecule conformers inside a Jupyter notebook?
>> I generate the conformers, for example, using:
>> AllChem.EmbedMultipleConfs(mol, numConfs=5)
>> And would like to see them in 3D inside the notebook.
>> I tried using NGLView(, but it
>> only shows what I believe is the first conformer in the molecule. How can I
>> change the conformer shown? or maybe is there a way to convert the
>> conformers to Mol objects?
>> Any idea would be greatly appreciated.
>> Thank you!
>> --
>> Gustavo Seabra.
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