
Survival is about learning to adapt. Happiness is about learning to be open minded.

William Miller

At 06:45 PM 12/21/2009, you wrote:
Who warranties the installation, you or the installer?
Who carries the liability insurance, you or the installer?
Who sells the materials and gets the materials profits, you or the installer?

The reason why I ask these questions is I see this disturbing model becoming more common... where the wrench in the field becomes nothing more than a glorified "electrician" installing others materials and designs.

I think the folks ripping their knuckles, sweating in the hot sun on a roof and liable for the installation deserve the profits, rather than the "experts" sitting behind their desks "designing" systems. We have a wholesale to the public biz here in town doing just this. The designs are laughable,. but the real fools are those who will install other people's materials and designs.

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