Jay is correct about the economics, but sometimes we must live with them as the 
only way to increase daily water production. However when the tracker fails 
they will not be making the daily need anymore and it is far more likely to be 
left dead than even batteries. In developing communities I have often used a 
"village tracker", a manually tracked array that anyone walking by can move to 
the sun. Along the line of Buddhist Prayer Wheels that are kept spinning by 
passerby's.  As an aside I once did a 40kW grid-tied PV system for a temple to 
offset the load of the countless motors spinning their Prayer Wheels (not 
enough people passing to keep them all spinning). From the Solar, Wind and 
Hydro powered office of Jeff Oldham/Regenerative SOLutions
Dermatologists Hate Her
Local Mom Reveals $5 Trick to Erase Wrinkles. Shocking Results Exposed
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