OK, I guess that it had to happen someday.  I call Uni-Solar in Michigan for
some basic product info only to be told that their sales dept. does not take
any phone calls, that any inquiries have to be done on-line.  Being in the
customer service myself, like pretty much all of us, it is beyond belief
that any company would take this "we refuse to talk to you directly"
approach.  Brilliant move, corporate people at Uni-Solar.  Refuse to speak
to possible customers.  OK, rant off.


I'm looking for 10-20 kW worth of the Uni-Solar 64-watt framed a-Si modules.
>From what I can tell, Uni-Solar doesn't make them anymore.  Anyone know
whether there are any to be had somewhere?


I need a non-glass, framed product.





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