Greetings, all~

The following "big idea" hit me while in the hinterlands fussing with a
generator driven inverter/charger setup. If any manufacturers of these
"Multi type" inverters are listening, here's a feature that the off grid
mechanics really need:


Automatic tuning of the generator AC amperage ceiling. The system monitors
the AC frequency present on the inverter's "genset in" terminals. If the
frequency drops to 54 hertz, the inverter/charger automatically imposes a
lower ceiling for the amperage drawn from the genset, thereby lightening
the load and allowing the engine to again sustain its design RPM. This
"autotune" feature loads the generator to the maximum comfort level for
that machine at that time. If the generator is out of tune, the amp ceiling
will be reduced. If the generator has been freshly tuned, the amp ceiling
is allowed to rise as high as the maximum level preset by the installer.


Please somebody work on this, or chime in if I'm missing some obvious
reason why it can't work. It seems that a function of this sort would not
require much computing power beyond that which is already built into the
modern Multi. Here's to better off grid living through science.


Mick Abraham, Proprietor

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