Hello William,

There is a hassle factor with the Morningstar MPPT controllers. If you need a 
custom charge setting, and I do most of the time, then you must download and 
install software, use a RS-232 data cable, and reprogram settings from a Windoz 
PC. That's SO 1980's!.

We don't sell many Morningstar controllers because many of our battery systems 
are Lifeline, Sun Xtender or FullRiver AGM batteries. None of the DIP switch 
settings are right for those batteries. Also, none are right, but close, for 
Trojan or Crown batteries which we also sell. Besides that, I left the world of 
Microsoft many moons ago and I also can't find my DB9 cables anywhere.


On Feb 12, 2014, at 12:50 PM, will...@millersolar.com wrote:

Hello again:
Anyone have any experience with these charge controllers?  How about the meter?
Thanks so much for all of the help.
William Miller

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