Sorry for a late reply!
Your letter somehow got to spam, so I overlooked it.

There are some errors in your program:

First of all, re2c rule for path
    "href=".+'>'    { return PATH; }
should look like
    "href="[^>]+'>'    { return PATH; }
because ".+" will consume all characters except "\n", so when re2c reaches ">", it will happily consume it and proceed to the end of the string. "[>]" is what you need.

Next, I changed the main re2c loop. You put the loop in 'main', so that you have to
returne from 'scan' every time on default character:
    [^]    { return END; }
It's a possible way to do things, but very inefficient: you have to call 'scan' on each input character. A much better way (and the usual way for re2c) is to make a loop
inside of 'scan':
    for (;;) {
        ... // re2c code
And instead of 'return END;' in default rule simply go to the start of 'for':
    [^]    { continue; }
But you should be careful with the end of the string:
    "\x00"    { return END; }
This rule *must* go before the default rule '[^]'. (It's better to use the new default rule '*':
it always has the lowest priority.)

Please see the full working example in attach. Hope that helped!


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

enum {

int scan(char** p, char** lex)
    char* marker;

    for (;;) {
    *lex = *p;
        re2c:define:YYCTYPE  = "char";
        re2c:define:YYCURSOR = *p;
        re2c:define:YYMARKER = marker;
        re2c:yyfill:enable   = 0;
        re2c:yych:conversion = 1;
        re2c:indent:top      = 1;
        "href="[^>]+'>'      { return PATH; }
        "\x00"               { return END; }
        [^]                  { continue; }

int main() {
    char *p ="sdfsdfsdfsdf <a href='/page/site.jsp'> sdfsdfsdfsdfsdf<a>";
    char *last = p;
    int sz;

    switch (scan(&p, &last)) {
        case PATH:
            sz = p - last - 1;
            printf("url is: '%.*s'\n", sz, last);
        case END:
            printf("no url\n");

    return 0;
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