Alpheus Madsen said:
> -- How do we pair up two lists on a single line?  If I understand correctly, 
> the '\\' SPLICE context creates two lists, where we would expect one list.  
> Does it also wrap up the two lists in a single parent list?

Ah, I think I see the issue.  We've had lots of proposals on the table; sorry 
about the confusion.

Alan Manuel Gloria and I are provisionally agreeing on SPLIT semantics, not 
SPLICE.  See [Current]. As the name implies, SPLIT *breaks up* a line it's in 
the middle of into two lines. We don't have *agreement* on anything that joins 
up a list, though there are several on the table.  My guess is that we won't be 
adding one, but we'll see.

> -- What happens when we have a sublist indent after a line with a '\\' 
> SPLICE?  Does it become a sublist of the last list of the SPLICE?

Again, we have SPLIT not SPLICE

Example 1 (where \\ means SPLIT):
!   f(a)
!   f(b)
((f a) (f b))

\\ g(a)
!  g(b)
!  g(c)
((g a) (g b) (g c))

>I think using a '\\' is better than a single '\' is better, because it is more 
>visually appealing.

Good!  My *primary* concern is to avoid symbols that will *prevent* acceptance, 
but we should strive for as much visual appeal as we can manage.  Nobody likes 
looking at nasty-looking code.

> -- To get to the bottom of the issue of whether it is valuable to admit "." 
> as whitespace, I think we need real code examples.  While coming up with fake 
> examples can be informative (I hadn't thought about the implications of "\\" 
> splice and following sublists...), ultimately, they are also dangerous, 
> because they don't represent actual code, and how it
might be naturally written.

Agree. I've written a lot of code samples, see [Examples] and the examples 

> -- I'm still on the fence with this, although one compelling argument *for* 
> the convention involves my experience with Python:  when I'm desperate enough 
> to replace all the "   " indents with "--|" or ".    (or something just as 
> heavy), it eliminates the possibility of cutting snippets of Python and 
> pasting it into an REPL.  Of course, Python, with its tradition of including 
> ellipses before every line in its REPL, makes it more difficult to cutting 
> snippets from the REPL and pasting it into an editor--and impossible to paste 
> *back* into the REPL.

Fair enough.  Which is also why I think it's critical that the interactive 
syntax and the file syntax be exactly identical.  And suggests that there is 
value to a non-whitespace indent character.

> I think this example also shows that using two spaces for indentation, when 
> whitespace is significant, can also be difficult to read.  In using Python, I 
> tent to prefer three spaces, but when the editor defaults to four, I don't 
> fight it (and it's probably better too); and there are certainly times where 
> a LOT of indentation clears things up really quickly!

That's probably a style thing, I *like* 2 space indents.  But as long as the 
reader *permits* both, I think that's okay.

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