In kernel.scm and unsweeten, we currently try to figure out what we're running 
on (in particular, which version of guile if it's guile).  Then we try to make 
it *run* on that platform, and also try to conform to that platform's oddities.

I think we should split those up; there's no reason we can't run on something, 
yet support a different set of extensions while reading.  Instead, I think 
there should be a "flavor" option that lets a user select variations involving 
how the reader interprets input (primary what happens after "#").

My initial motivation is to support a naive Common Lisp processor while using 
the code we have. If we can support a mode where #'x is (function x), and 
carefully output some long names (quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing) as 
abbreviations (` , ,@), I think we can handle a remarkably large proportion of 
Common Lisp code with what is basically a Scheme reader.  Just let people use 
"unsweeten -C" to enable "Common Lisp" mode.  It'd also let people try the code 
out before it's ported to their preferred implementation.


--- David A. Wheeler

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