In the case of using hiccup syntax for react elements, a function to be a 
proper render function in Reagent it must return valid hiccup.
The `kino-mit-program` fn isn't returning valid hiccup since it has no tag 
for the surrounding vector.

React 16 does actually support what is called "fragments" that do allow you 
to return multiple elements without a wrapping div. Reagent also has 
support for this

However, you may not be that cutting edge yet and to solve your issue here 
you do need to use a normal function call because the function 
`kino-mit-pgoram` is not a valid "component" function. Only component 
functions should be represented in hiccup directly, e.g. `[kino-liste]`.

I typically wouldn't put `kino-mit-program` in it's own top-level function 
to avoid the confusion. All it is is a helper to generate parts of hiccup 
for a "real component render function" to use - `kino-liste`.
If you do make it a separate fn, that's fine, just perhaps make it clear 
that its role is a helper and not a what would typically be called a 

On Wednesday, December 6, 2017 at 8:43:36 AM UTC-5, Mathias Picker wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to reagent, and do not seem to understand it well enough for the 
> following.
> My problem: how do I write description lists. In all the examples I've 
> seen, there were only simple lists, returning a single <li> element.
> For a description list, I need to return two sibling elements, <dt> and 
> <dd>. Other examples returning more than one element used a workaround: 
> just put a <div> around your elements, but that's (bad html and) not 
> possible in this situation.
> I tried this and it seems to work 
> (defn programm-für-kino
>   [programm]
>   (into [:dl.filmprogramm-für-kino]
>         (apply concat (for [termin programm]
>                         [[:dt [:a {:href (:full_url termin) :target 
> "_blank"}
>                                (:title termin)] ]
>                          [:dd (:date termin)]]))))
> but, since I have nested <dl> elements, I tried this and it failed, 
> returning the component as object (I guess) and some data from my maps???
> (defn kino-mit-programm [kino]
>   (let [programm (<sub [::subs/programm-für-kino (:k_id kino)])]
>     [ [:dt (:title kino)
>      [:dd [programm-für-kino programm]]]))
> (defn kino-liste []
>   (let [kinos (<sub [::subs/aktive-kinos])]
>     [:div (when kinos
>             (into [:dl.kinos-mit-programm]
>                   (apply concat (for [kino kinos]
>                                   [kino-mit-programm kino]))))]))
> If I change the component in the last line into a function call it works 
> again...???
> (for [kino kinos] (kino-mit-programm kino))
> So this works if I return the list of [:dt] [:dd] inside a component, but 
> if I try it with a component it bombs?
> I think this shows that I do not understand when and how the component 
> creation works here...
> Can someone explain to me what might be going on?
> Thanks, Mathias

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