Do you need to grow your buyers list?  

           Do you need to sell houses fast?

Did you answer "yes" or "definitely" or "what a stupid
question, of course I do!!" to either one of those

Well you're definitely not alone.  A common challenge
for most real estate investors is selling properties fast.

Okay, last question - have you ever heard of Greg
Clement and Jeff Walker's Property Launch Formula?

You're going to love this thing!  It's a super effective
house selling system that is totally killing the OLD
way of selling houses.  

Watch Jeff and Greg's how to Property Launch video here...

             Here's what you should know about
                the Property Launch Formula:

*  It was invented by Greg Clement and Jeff Walker, the
    two most powerful online marketers alive today (THEY
    KNOW how to sell just about anything online!)

*  It sells properties FAST (in as little as 60 minutes)

*  It uses powerful psychological triggers during the sales
    process to almost ensure the sale of your property even
    in a down market

When you do a property launch, you will create quite a
stir in your area, possibly so much that you and your
launch might even end up on the local news (yes, it's
that powerful and they've seen it happen!).  

Property Launch Formula is NOT an auction strategy.
IT will sell houses even when an auction won't.

Watch the Property Launch video here

When Greg had the idea to apply Jeff's tried and true
Product Launch Formula to his own real estate investing
business, the results were staggering.  And once he
saw how well it worked, he engineered the Product
Launch Formula system so that it would work for
anyone, anywhere.  

This completely different way to sell houses gets tons
of potential buyers engaged during the sales process
and competing to buy your property.  I'm telling you,
this thing is genius.

You'll get the entire video once you register for the
SIMS 2.0 training call that they're having on Monday
evening.  Greg and Jeff will explain how to use their
8 part system to totally dominate your local market
on Monday's call.  

As part of that call, they will go over their house selling
formula, Product Launch Formula, in detail.  

Register here for the Monday Training Call at 9 PM EST

My suggestion is to watch the Product Launch Formula
video before Monday's training call so you're fully
prepared for everything that they'll be teaching on the

Here's the great part about the Property Launch Formula:
it's not super complicated or difficult to pull one off.  It's
simple and it works.  

Get the video here

Tim Pfeiffer

P.S.  Remember just register for the webinar on Monday
night and you'll get immediate access to the original "cult
classic" PLF video that's been in the vault and unseen by
anyone for over 11 months.

P.P.S. Make sure to look for the part when Greg talks
about the "Sixty Minute Sale" concept - your gonna
love itÂ…

Watch the Property Launch Formula Video here...

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