You dont need to mind on anything that related to sim to gridservices as
they are done locally. For example those two wont never be returned as is to
the viewer. I think you need to go into opensim/regions/region.ini and
modify the external ip there to your LAN IP. This is the IP that cablebeach
world server will return to the viewer for a xmlrpc connection.

Nothing else is really relevant for the login as what gets returned to the
viewer. World server needs to be properly configured to lan ip also because
you connect to that servers 8002. But as you said you login is fine untill
it starts to connect to the sim. This indicates that the external ip is set
to the default "SYSIP" (or its something like that) and it will prolly
return your server machines network computer name (not ip).

Check that and let me know if you still have problems.

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 11:37 PM, pedro <> wrote:

> Found it out in the meantime -
> I had he following settings in the Opensim.ini wrong
>        ; CableBeach *InventoryServer.exe
>    asset_server_url = "";
>        ; CableBeach *InventoryServer.exe
>    inventory_server_url = "";
> those values have to stay and not be changed to the IP of the network
> adapter if the services run on the same machine
> On Dec 9, 9:37 pm, pedro <> wrote:
> > running Taiga 0.0.2 on Windows XP SP3
> >
> > login works perfectly from the same machine where the server is
> > installed
> > but connecting from other machines on the same LAN doesnt works
> >
> > I used the example_config files and replaced all local IP adresses
> > with the
> > Network IP the server has on the LAN - from to
> >
> > when i login from another machine it first looks normaly until getting
> > to the region handshake,
> > where after i while i get a network related error message
> >
> > Any ideas what i have missed to change ?
> --

Best regards,
Jonne Nauha
realXtend developer


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