Ok calm down, if you don't know the basic concepts (avatar vs. rex avatar,
grid vs. standalone) the UI might be a bit confusing. You do see the
"realXtend" or "opensim" avatar question that you get first? You probably
should know that you are trying to login with a opensim avatar if you have
created the user in the opensim (in standalone) or user server (in grid
more, means Taiga) console. This wont require any servers, just the plain
first, last and password. If you have created a realXtend avatar on the web
or you are running the reX auth/avatar storage servers yourself THEN you
select realXtend avatar. There you fill in server for the av because that is
the authentication server where your account is. You can make a realXtend
account for example http://world.realxtend.org/

Now, if you get the grid info for the server you are good to go. This means
you have the right url and port for the grid server. You don't ever login
directly to a simulators port in a grid, its not even possible. This is why
we have the grid server, where all the simulators in the grid register
themselves "hey im here, send some people over when they login".

If your running taiga
1) Use command "create user" in the user server console. You should see it
going to the robust server creating the avatars folders if you have
everything setup right.
2) Start the servers, check when opensim starts, it registers itself to grid
serve you can see this in the ROBUST console as [GRID] prints. If this
doesen't happen you cant login as grid server has no knowledge of the sim
when you login.
3) Check Regions/Regions.ini for the double quote bug. If you have
configured with the config wizard with pre 0.1.3 Taiga you'll propably have
" " around UUIDs, IPs and ports. This will make the logins fail! If you have
these, its safest do shut down the servers, delete the Regions.ini file and
startup the servers. Opensim will ask you all the info again and fill the
config properly.
4) Now login with naali, add a _OpenSim_ avatar, add a world with :8002
(default), check for grid info. Then go ahead and click the big green "Enter
World". See console if you fail for more info and paste here.

It takes a bit of time to get all this stuff in if you have used standalone
opensim earlier. We have tried to make setting up taiga easy with the config
wizard (granted the double quote bug was terrible) and Naali easy to add you
avatars/worlds and have it remember them unlike classical login. If you dont
like ether, then you can use classical, but lack of knowledge doesn't make
the UI bad, whole Naali requires some knowledge about what is what when you
use it. Thats probably a bad thing but I guess its the same in other clients
as well.

Best regards,
Jonne Nauha
realXtend developer


On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 7:22 AM, ShortPieceOf String <
stringshortpiec...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> I've tried the New Avatar button.
> Username: FirstName.LastName
> Server:
> Password:******
> With this avatar selected and my world selected, I still cannot
> connect.
> If you don't put anything in the Server field on the "New Avatar"
> screen, it fills in the Server field with  "http://:10001";
> So I tried Server:
> But still no luck.  I don't quite understand why you have to type in
> server details for the avatar when that information is already
> provided by the "World" (Login URL on the world page). Unless of
> course that is meant to be a separate server for user authentication.
> If that is the case it's needs to be made clearer.
> I took a look in UserServer_config,xml and the relevant information
> would seem to be "default_authentication_server="http://
> Using that for the Server box on New Avatar still results in a failed
> connection, as does (which is my actual
> local IP).
> --
> http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend
> http://www.realxtend.org


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