Selecting individual objects and exporting them will not copy the assets
along side with it. This will only generate the xml. For the xml file to
work on other server instances all the mesh etc references need to URLs and
the assets in place there (of course they are if you see the content in
front of you when doing this). If they are UUID the xml will only work on
the same server that you did the export, as the UUID based assets will not
be in the opensim assets database on another instance (assuming it does not
use the same databases, if the new instance uses same db it should work too)

There is another tool "Backup scene" or something at the bottom of the main
tool ui. This will ask you the base url for you export, and  will replace
all asset references in the scene.xml to use your base url. I tried to write
some instruction messages to the widget itself, it should be quite easy to
use. Then you need to push the assets to your given base url etc.

Exporting a set of objects by selection WITH assets is possible also. At the
time there was no need for that. If you know any c++ and read the code a bit
you will be able to do it. Just see how the search and replace is done in
the whole scene export. The function actually might already take a list of
Scene::Entity* and do it automatically, at least this can be done with minor
changes or a a override to the func with the list being a parameter.

Hope that helps. I wrote the code but cannot remember all the details as its
a long time ago :)

PS. You can get the assets from the naali asset cache by hand. Textures are
not preserved in the original form, there is extra data. But anything in
assets as in mesh/skeleton/material files should be intact. You could in
theory just copy the files from there and replace the refs in the xml by
hand. Cache items are hashed from the filename, so you need to do some
detective work to figure our what ref maps to waht id. The code is there so
you can have a look. Simple python script will rename the cache to the
original names (just replace :, / etc chars with eg _ so windows dont lose
its shit when you do it :)

Best regards,
Jonne Nauha
realXtend developer

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 5:01 PM, CecilBergwin <
> wrote:

> When I export, all I get is the *.xml file, no other data is there at
> all, also "selecting all" ? that would be nice as my scenes are rammed
> packed.
> :(
> --


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