Hello Everyone,

Delma I am sorry I have not been able to send any outgoing mail for the 
past week.
I have not gone through all the messages yet so I don't know if Jan or 
anyone told you.  Buit last Thursday I think it was I received a message 
from Comcast Security Assurance.
They said unsolicited emails were being sent from one of our accounts or 
computers.  I think my son's computer caught a virus.  So they cut off our 
outgoing mail.
We got on the phone with a guy at Comcast on Frkiday.  We got George's 
accoung to work but not mine.  My son never looked at my computer until 
Wednesday morning and he still could not find where to do what they said to do.
Well I took a chance and think I found it.  I am not even quite sure what I 
did but it started working yesterday afternoon.
I am back and I have been receiving incoming mail with only a little 
interruption but I think I got it all.
I will definitely be sending some recipes and participating and am sorry 
for the  delay in posting.

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