Hi All,
On Thursday night my brother Dan went to get the last talking microwave 
that our Best Buy had.  I still haven't unopacked it but I did make some 
head way clearing the counter.
I know they were getting hard to find so I decided to just grab one if I 
could and will let you know how I like it when I get it going.
I did the baked apples but a couple of things were different.
I only had four apples because my son ate a couple raw.
I did not peel the apples but just cut them in sections.
I also added raisins.  For one thing George loves raisins and for another 
there was a lot of sweet syrup that did not pour out of the pan into the 
casserole so about a cup of raisins worked to absorb it up.
The apples and the raisins are gone, gone!
Have a good day.

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