Hope you all will enjoy this.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Helen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "cooking-in-the-dark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 8:59 AM
Subject: cookinginthedark: Food Humor: From Scratch

> "Scratch"
> My mother never let me help much in the kitchen. As a result, my cooking
> ability was practically non-existent when I got married. But, I did 
> remember
> mother mentioning to her friends that she did make cakes, pies and other
> things from scratch. So my first priority after the honeymoon, was to 
> locate
> some scratch.
> With mother's delicious cakes in mind, my first trip to the supermarket 
> was
> to buy some scratch. I found the aisle that read -- Baking Items. I spent 
> a
> good 15 minutes looking at everything from vegetable oil,sugar, flour and
> chocolate without seeing a sign of scratch. I was sure it wouldn't be with
> the pickles or the meat. I asked the clerk if they carried scratch. He
> looked at me funny and finally said, "You'll have to go to the store on 
> the
> corner."
> When I got there, it turned out to be a feed store. I thought it rather
> strange, but I decided cakes were food. "Do you have scratch?" I asked the
> clerk.
> He asked me how much I wanted. I suggested a pound or two. His reply was,
> "How many chickens do you have? It only comes in 20 pound bags." I really
> didn't understand why he mentioned chickens, but I had heard mother say 
> she
> made chicken casserole from scratch. So, I bought 20 pounds and hurried
> home.
> My next problem was to find a recipe calling for scratch. I went through
> every single page of my lovely "Better Homes and Gardens" Cookbook -- a
> wedding gift. I looked and looked for a recipe using scratch. There I was
> with 20 pounds and no recipe.
> When I opened the scratch, I had doubts that a beautiful, fluffy cake 
> would
> ever result from such a hard looking ingredient. I hoped with the addition
> of liquids and heat the result would be successful. I had no need to 
> mention
> my problem to my new husband. He had suggested very early in our marriage
> that he liked to cook and would gladly take over anytime. One day he made 
> a
> pie and when I told him how good it was, he said that he made it from
> scratch. That assured me that it could be done.
> Being a new bride is scary and when I found out he made pies, cakes, and
> even lemon pudding from scratch . . . . well, if he made all those things
> from scratch, I was sure he had bought a 20 pound bag of scratch also. 
> But,
> I couldn't find where he stored it, and I checked my supply.
> It was still full! At this point I was ready to give up because all the
> people knew about scratch except me. I decided to try a different 
> approach.
> One day when my husband was not doing anything, I said, "Honey, I wish 
> you'd
> bake a cake." He got out the flour, sugar, eggs, milk and shortening. But,
> not a sign of scratch. I watched him blend it together, pour it into a pan
> and slide it into the oven to bake. An hour later, as we were eating the
> cake, I looked at him and smiled and said, "Honey, why don't we raise a 
> few
> chickens?"
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