oh syl
my heart just breaks for you over and over agian.  i am so so so sorry your mil 
did this to you!!!!  how cruel and unthoughtful and just plain out hateful!!!!  
again, i am so so sorry this had to happen.  i so wish i could give you a hug 
and jsut let you cry out all your pains and hurts.  you are such a strong and 
deretermined and wonderful lady!!!!  god sees all dearest and god will have his 
revenge.  nothing ever goes unnoticed by god and nothing will ever be 
unpunnished when punishment is due!!!!  just remember, we love you and always 
here for you whenever you just need to talk.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Nicole Cooke 
  To: RecipesAndMore@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 10:58 PM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Re: one more vent, ar'r'r'r'r''rg

  sorry sugar, but your husband Daniel, did he not say anything to his mother 
about singing a happy birthday son for you son who is no longer with you. I 
would think that he would of been very upset with her, I mean really how rude 
and uncaring. I would of opened the car door, asked her to pop her head in and 
then closed, then say "oh sorry I though you were already in"...I think your 
husband should of at least asked her why she was so rude and maybe to get her 
head checked.
  Oh man...stay away from that woman....
  how did your son die and how was he, if you don't mind me asking.

  ----- Original Message ----
  From: Sugar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: Blind Handi Girl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 10:42:41 PM
  Subject: [RecipesAndMore] one more vent, ar'r'r'r'r''rg

  ok, I am one to hurt easiely, and my mother-in-law knows this, so today she 
did the most imcredible hurtful thing, more than what she has done in the past 
2 years...:
  When I got home from the doctor, Daniel and I had to go to her house to pick 
up some paper work for my Social Security office, and even though I did not get 
off the car, while Daniel went inside to search for them, because she had hid 
them...(another story)
  she comes running out to the car to meet me, and hugs me and tells me," oh 
sweetie, I love you and I wanted to tell you thiss"
  ehem, (now listen girls),
  she started to sing the Happy birthday to you song , and as I sit there with 
a blank, hurtful look on my face, she sings it very loud, and gives me a kiss 
and a present for my baby boy, that is not with me any more.
  It is a outfit with  shoes, a bike, and water paints with coloring books: 
knowing this, she goes on to tell me how proud she is to be a grandmother, and 
ect..., then she stops and says, "oh, I forgot he is dead"
  yes, just like that, and then walks away, so there I am sitting with a shock 
expression, while tears are flowing freely, with out me saying a word.
  Daniel gets in the car, and tells me, "babe, why didn't you tell me you were 
feeling sick?, mom came back in the house worried that you were going to get 
ill, she said you told her that you were not well", and all this time I never 
said a word.
  well, that is all I am gona say, I don't want to keep going, but you can 
imagine the heart ache I have been feeling all day,
  it's why all the e mails of today has brought me a smile to my heart.

  Sugar Says:
              'Life is not the way it's supposed to be.
  It's the way it is.
  The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.'


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