anyone know where the time has flown with my anna-lynn?
this mommy realizes now her baby is 9 months old, a very  determined, happy, 
contented, for the most part obedient, laid back, good natured, knows what she 
wants, and smily baby!!! 
not only has she decided to remind dear old mommy how she can go up the stairs 
by crawling for the past almost month now, she loves to remind me how she can 
go back and forth on her own by holding onto something and sometimes even a few 
steps alone!!!!!  she has to let me know that she knows how to feed herself, 
thank you, mommy dearest!!!!  i will sometimes catch her with a spoon or fork 
in her hand and trying to feed  herself and even at times when she feels like 
playing mommy, me too!!!!!  actualy, she does a pretty good job!!!!  she 
doesn't get too much everywhere, wo!!!  she also  tries to drink form a cup, 
smiles.  she will take the napkin and wipe her mouth and when her nose is 
yucky, she will take a baby wipe and cute as a button, dab at her nose, wo!!!  
oh, i forgot to mention, this little turkey will put her hand into the gerber 
puff can, help herself to a few, eat it, get some more and when she is done, 
will try to put the top on.  she hasn't realized until i help her that the lid 
goes right on top by pushing, not sliding, smiles.
in the bath tub, she is so cute.  she loves to splish splash with both hands 
and feet and loves to laugh at herself, smiles.  she knows when it is bath 
time.  she will go crawling fast as anything to the bathroom door, smiles.
she is now in about 12-18 or sometimes even larger sizes depending on what it 
is.  where is my newborn baby!!!!!!  
oh, she is a joy to have around!!!!  she is different from her sibblings.  they 
were mostly loud boys, but she is soft, knows what she wants, persistant, but 
in a quiet manner, smiles.  she is serious, but very smily too.  very observant 
and just seems to soak in everything!!!!
now that i have wore you guys off from reading of my girl, i hope you did enjoy 
this proud mommy's baby moments stories, smiles.
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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