American Christians to Declare 'Dependence' on God 
By Michelle A. Vu 
Christian Post Reporter 
American Christians across the nation will band together the day after 
Independence Day to repent and pray for God to heal the country.

George Barna: America Is Being Destroyed Inside Out 
The newly launched initiative Call2Fall, organized by the conservative 
Christian group Family Research Council, will focus on the spiritual and moral 
problems growing in the nation.

"America is a nation in moral crisis," says FRC President Tony Perkins. "Four 
out of every ten children are born out of wedlock, and every day roughly 3,000 
unborn children are aborted in our county. From homosexual 'marriage' to 
proposed curbs on religious speech, there are serious matters for the church to 
address, humbly and with great earnestness, before God."

Held a day after Americans celebrate their "independence," Call2Fall will be a 
day when Christians declare their "dependence" on God, Perkins explains. The 
name of the initiative means call to fall on our knees.

Supporters of the July 5 prayer initiative echoed FRC's concerns during a media 
teleconference on Tuesday. They called on churches to mobilize members in 
prayer and repentance and for pastors to lead by example.

"We are seeing the crumbling of our nation economically, spiritually, and 
perhaps even militarily," said the Rev. Larry Stockstill, senior pastor of 
Bethany World Prayer Center in Louisiana.

"I feel that our only hope as a nation - there really isn't a new political 
agenda we can pull out of the hat or any other form of medicine for America - 
is prayer and fasting," he said.

Dr. Richard Land, head of the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist 
Convention - the nation's largest Protestant denomination - said he believes 
Southern Baptists will be receptive to the initiative.

Last fall, the SBC had organized its own prayer initiative for the presidential 
election that was joined by over 4,200 churches.

"We believe great movements of God always start with God's people humbling 
themselves and getting right with God," said Land, president of the Ethics and 
Religious Liberty Commission. "And we believe this is absolutely essential for 
our nation."

With July 5 being a Sunday, churches are being called to have their entire 
congregation pray for at least three to five minutes for the spiritual health 
of their church and for America. Some churches, according to FRC, are holding a 
prayer event the entire day.

"I believe that we are going to see America changed," concluded Bishop Harry 
Jackson, Jr., founder of the High Impact Leadership Coalition and senior pastor 
of Hope Christian Church in Maryland.

Call2Fall organizers hope to have eight million Christians participate in the 
prayer event and declare their dependence on God.

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