I would like a special prayer request for a family friend.
"Maggie" (9 years old) was attending school last Friday, a week ago, and 
exhibited some unusual behavior, such as bumping into walls, stumbling, unable 
to read, ....so the teacher called the mom. The mom rushed her to the 
pediatrician's office in Texarkana, Tx, who sent her straight to Little Rock, 
Arkansas, where she was diagnosed with an fast-growing, inoperable cancerous 
tumor wrapped around the brain stem. She was kept over-night in Little Rock, 
then transferred to St. Judes' Children's Hospital in Memphis Tennessee. 

This sudden unexpected terminal illness coming on within 24 had devastated the 
family and friends, putting one grandfather in the hospital. This family 
desperately needs your prayers. Since arriving at St. Judes, they are trying to 
find a way to cope, and need all the prayers available. Here is the latest 

A few days ago, I found out about a friend's little 9 year old girl who had had 
no symptoms until last Friday, and within 18 hours, had been diagnosed with 
inoperable brain stem cancer. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for those prayers, as we know every one 
is heard and counted!! If you didn't get the individual email, here is an 
update, and your prayers will be so appreciated!.

Please, please keep praying!

Little Maggie Cobb, age 9, my family friends, diagnosed with brain-stem cancer 
6 days ago has been put on the Caring Bridge website: 

I think the official name of the brain stem cancer is: DIPG

She was diagnosed with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) (suspected) 
close to my home, sent to Texarkana, TX for confirmation, forwarded to a 
neurosurgeon at Children's Hospital in Little Rock, AR by Friday night/Saturday 
morning to make 'a plan', and arrived at St. Judes' Children's Hospital in 
Memphis, Tennessee on Sunday night/Monday morning, ......and now the family has 
decided to 'attempt chemo' along with other treatments (last up-date today). I 
think it was the only thing the doctors were willing to attempt with this form 
of cancer to maybe slow the progression. Further decisions will depend on how 
welll Maggie tolerates the treatments, and how much stress or discomfort it may 
cause, as each person is different. 
I guess we never know what we would do under such desperate circumstances.

If you go to: 


......you can see her family and her photos, and leave a prayer message. The 
family reads the messages to her every day, so they are much appreciated. You 
will have to give your name and email address in order to view her photos and 
read the family's updates, as well as leave a prayer message for Maggie, but it 
is a secure site. 

Maggie knows she is ill, but not the full extent of the problem, and hopes for 

I'm sure anyone who has a minute extra would be greatly blessed by having 
visited with this angelic child for even just a moment on the website.

"Life" can turn on a moment's notice, and none of us know when that moment may 

Thought for the day:

Last week, Maggie's grand dad, Roger, explained to her that the 'big brown 
bear' stuffed animal she wanted was unreasonable. YESTERDAY, he called and 
emailed everyone he knew asking them to please find and purchase the biggest 
brown bear available and send 'Overnight mail' to Maggie at St. Judes in 

Roger is a very religious man, as is his family, but in the midst of his 
prayers, he wanted Maggie 'somehow' to have that big brown bear he had denied 
her last week. You can bet Roger will make sure Maggie has that big brown bear, 
but it will only arrive loaded with prayers!

Her grandfather has had Maggie at his home every weekend of her life, helped 
her build a treehouse, took her everywhere with him, and spent untold hours 
'playing' with this dear child. Now, in this hour of crisis, a 'big brown bear' 
will temporarily make Maggie happy while we all send our heart-felt, most 
sincere Prayers to Heaven for the tender care and comfort of this little child 
of God.

As parents, and grandparents, let us not forget to say 'Thank You' to God for 
every moment and every tiny blessing! If you didn't receive my first request 
for "Prayers for Maggie", please pray now! Thanks so much!

in all we do, we do for GOD!!!!
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