ABC News
Roach refused

 The World Today - Thursday, October21, 199912:53

 COMPERE: Well prison authorities in Western Australia are
 standing firm on the decision to stop Archie Roach
 performing for prisoners in Perth's maximum security prison,

 The acclaimed singer songwriter regarded internationally as
 one of the finest in the world regularly gives concerts for
 inmates with his partner, Ruby Hunter.

 Corrections Department authorities around Australia regard
 their performances as very calming and having beneficial for
 the prisons that they administer.

 The Western Australia case and denial there for Archie to
 go in is a first. The Administration of WA Prisons has been
 under a lot of criticism recently, but as Adrienne Lowth in
 Perth reports, those in charge maintain a concert by Archie
 Roach and Ruby Hunter would be a security risk.

 ADRIENNE LOWTH: Archie Roach has first hand
 experience with the prison system and for him it's important
 to offer some hope and encouragement to those serving

 ARCHIE ROACH: When I was a young bloke, you know, I've
 known the inside of a prison myself. I remember when I was
 in gaol myself, you know, it would have been nice for
 someone, particularly an Aboriginal person that's well
 known, to come in and perhaps encourage me a bit rather
 than discourage me from entering life again.

 ADRIENNE LOWTH: The Deaths in Custody Watch
 Committee arranged for Roach and his partner, Ruby
 Hunter, to play at four correctional centres in Perth with the
 full support of the Justice Ministry, but as Kath Mallett
 explains, the concert at Casuarina was knocked back.

 KATH MALLETT: They're saying that the new security
 measures that are still under construction at Casuarina are
 not yet completed, and for that reason it wouldn't be
 appropriate to have the concert.

 What concerns me was when I discussed it with the
 Superintendent at Casuarina the week before last he said
 that there will never again be an occasion in Casuarina
 when more than fifty prisoners are gathered at one time for
 any event.

 ADRIENNE LOWTH: And the reason for the stricter security
 arrangements at the prison goes back to Christmas Day
 when inmates were involved in a riot which damaged the
 gaol and injured two prison officers.

 As a result a lock-down was imposed meaning prisoners
 were forced to stay in their cells twenty-three hours a day.

 Some ten months later the lock-down restrictions are easing
 but the Head of Prison Services within the Justice Ministry,
 Terry Simpson, says staging a concert would not be

 TERRY SIMPSON: After a long period of a restricted regime
 both staff and prisoners are getting used to returning to
 normality and our concern was that it hasn't reached the, I
 guess, the level of normal operations that would give us
 more confidence.

 ADRIENNE LOWTH: Ruby Hunter, who's Roach's partner
 on stage and at home finds performing in a prison rewarding
 and inspirational.

 The reaction of two female inmates sticks in her mind.

 RUBY HUNTER: We were working in this prison and here
 we were faced with two women who were just coming down
 crying at some songs and they came up to us afterwards
 and said to me, said thank you very much for you and your
 husband. It is just good to know that someone's just coming
 to make us feel a bit human.

 ADRIENNE LOWTH: For Archie Roach it's the first time he's
 been refused permission to perform in a prison and he says
 it's difficult to understand the reasons behind the decision.

 ARCHIE ROACH: Yes I'm a little disappointed that that took
 place, but we'll just have to do with what we can with what
 we've been allowed to do this time.

 I don't go with the thought of helping anybody, you know. If
 anything they help me to stay outside and to keep on on the
 path that I am.

 COMPERE: Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter there denied
 access to the Casuarina prison to give a concert for the

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