
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/04/00 11:46am >>>
ABC News
Tue, 4 Jul 2000 9:12 AEST 

  Inquiry into health services
  in the Kimberley

  A Parliamentary committee has begun an
  inquiry into health services in the Kimberley.

  Independent MLC for the mining and pastoral
  region Mark Nevill, who is the chairman of the
  committee says the inquiry will examine a
  number of concerns about working conditions,
  facilities and equipment, raised by health
  workers during a recent survey.

  Mr Nevill says the survey also uncovered
  claims of a lack of leadership and poor
  management in health services, nepotism in
  Aboriginal medical services, and professional
  isolation and a lack information about Aboriginal

  The closing date for public submissions is July

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