Am 14.09.2016 um 01:54 schrieb Patricia Shanahan:
> On 9/13/2016 12:01 PM, Jonathan Kühn wrote:
> ...
>> You use subversion. As I am not (yet) allowed to submit changes myself,
>> do I need to install it?
> You will need a subversion client to do useful coding. Even though you
> can't directly make changes, you can construct a "patch", the
> difference between your working version and a checked-in version. You
> can attach a patch to a BugZilla report. A committer can then pick it
> up and apply it for you.
Ok, I installed svn.
>> Where can I find the source code/documentation/tests or whatever I shall
>> work with, and how should I know which part is important for me at the
>> moment?
> Information about that is in the guides on how to build AOO. What
> platform(s) will be you be using?
Found them, thanks.
I'm not sure what exactly is meant by platforms, so...
I did use a simple text editor for C, but I think I will change to Eclipse.
My operation system is Linux Debian.
I hope one of these two is the one you asked for.
>> I didn't learn C++ yet, but I think I have to learn it this semester,
>> but I got basics in C. Should I wait, until I got basics in C++ before
>> doing anything with your code, or is knowing C and Java as
>> object-oriented language enough to understand your (C++)-code and write
>> some myself?
>> Wait, thats sounds a bit like I think that C++ don't need to be learned
>> if you did learn C. But I think I heard somewhere, that C-code is C++
>> compatible, is this true?
>> I won't ask any more C <-> C++ questions here, I don't think this is the
>> right forum for this...
> This is the right forum for anything a new volunteer needs to ask to
> get started. It exists to help with those questions without the wide
> distribution and noise level of dev@
> I don't recommend writing C++ without having actually studied it. You
> may be able to analyze a bug report and track down the problem using
> C, Java, and some guesswork. That would itself be useful.
> ...
So I'm gonna start with this. But I think I will need C++ in the next
semester, so I'm going to learn this, too.

Thank you for your answers.
I didn't have time to get familiar with svn, and create a bugzilla acc.
We have a limit on how much traffic we produce from our provider, so I
am not able to download the source code all at one time at the moment.
So there will be more question at a later point in time.

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