On 6/21/2018 5:03 PM, Mitchell Brown wrote:

I'm a recent college graduate and aspiring technical writer, hoping to gain
some experience and build a portfolio to assist me in my job search.

I hope this was the right place to send this email, I admit I've never used
a mailing list before and am new to this whole thing.

As a side note, the "documentation" mailing list doesn't seem to be
working? There's no data for the FAQ or info sections, and when I try to
contact the owner I just receive an error. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?



Greetings Mitchell and welcome to Apache OpenOffice. The first place to start is with the Orientation pages. If you are new to Open Source projects I strongly advice going through the Level 1 and Level 2 pages as they will give you a basic understanding of how Apache projects, and AOO in particular operate. After that read the level 3 Introduction to Documentation. Any questions you have can be asked at this mailing list.

Keith N. McKenna

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