Hi Dave,

nice repost. Thanks.

Please if you need help with the building environment do not hesitate to ask on development.

After the successfull build I recommend to start looking at the build output, and start on the messages there.

Just ask or talk if you get stuckĀ  If you want to try SCONs look at the branch SCONs and ask on dev for guidance.

All the Best


Am 17.09.20 um 07:42 schrieb Dave Scotese:
Hi Sachar, the following is a message someone else (Peter) sent which may
be helpful:


If you want to code on OpenOffice, I recommend that you start small with
trying to compile OpenOffice on your machine:
Check the How To.

If you have Questions keep asking! ;) And dont get discouraged. It is a
long standing Project with long history.
All the best

You can view other emails to people interested in working on the project
for more clues about how to proceed by examining the archives at

Dave Scotese

On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 12:24 AM Shachar Arieli <shachar.ari...@gmail.com>

My name is Shachar. I am from Israel.
I am an experienced c++ developer and would like to contribute to the

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