Hi all,

A few extra bits  and bobs in this version. There is an extra project
Utils which contains classes to perform the actions listed below.
I use active directory here and unfortunately, when copying projects
between servers (from live to dev or live to a new live install) the
guids of the users don't match so pages end up assigned to 'unknown
user' and users lose their rights and group assignments etc. To get
around this I can up with the User utility class to get around this
limitation and allow everything to be reinstated - enjoy :)

Import / Export all project templates to / from file system.

Roll back all Draft status pages for a specified user.
Roll back all Draft status pages for 'unknown' user.
Re-assign all in progress 'unknown' author pages to a specific user.
Assign Minimum project access level across users.

Import / Export draft status, Import / Export user:
Exports user data to xml files for import to another server.

The latest zip is RustyLogic_100607.zip

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