Vijay Patil ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said: 
>        I was going through the PS2 detection routines
> in the kudzu code (psaux.c) and struck a problem
> there. I tried copying the psauxProbe() function and
> mouse_read(), mouse_cmd() functions to another C file
> and running it (after removing the psaux_device struct
> operations, replacing them with printfs). The problem
> is, even though I am root, I am unable to read from
> /dev/psaux. In mouse_read(), read returns with an
> error (errno 11). perror() says 'Resource temporarily
> unavailable'. When I say 'print errno' in gdb, it says
> 'Cannot access memory at 0x8'. Any ideas about why
> this is happening ?

Is gpm or some other daemon attached to the mouse port?


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