The reason that normal startup scripts don't, is that there's no guarantee
/bin/sh will point to bash, or even that bash is installed.

If you want to use bash, the first line should be /bin/bash instead of
/bin/sh, so it's obvious it needs bash specifically.


On Sun, 28 Sep 2003, [iso-8859-1] Manoj Kumar wrote:

> Is there any reason not to use bash features in init
> scripts?
> Consider, for example, this fragment from
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-post:
>     DEVICETYPE=`echo $DEVICE | sed "s/[0-9]*$//"`
>     REALDEVICE=`echo $DEVICE | sed 's/:.*//g'`
>     if echo $DEVICE | grep -q ':' ; then
>         ISALIAS=yes
>     else
>         ISALIAS=no
>     fi
> In bash we can do this much faster with something like
> this:
>     while [[ $DEVICETYPE == *[0-9] ]]; do
>         DEVICETYPE=${DEVICETYPE%[0-9]}
>     done
>     if [[ $DEVICE == *:* ]]; then
>         ISALIAS=yes
>     else
>         ISALIAS=no
>     fi
> Okay, the loop that replaces the first line is messy,
> but it saves
> a couple of forks and an exec.  The other two changes
> are both
> simpler and faster.
> So why do most init scripts use sed and grep to
> process
> strings?  It can't be a desire to allow them to work
> with the
> Bourne shell (why would we want that anyway?) because
> some
> scripts do use bash features.
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