hUnTeR wrote:

> Good Day ALL!!
> I have posted this question, I believe, twice before but didnt really
> get any clear concise information leading to a solution. So, please
> forgive me for posting again.
> Here's what I have:  RH Linux 5.0 (kernel 2.0.33) server connected to
> the internet and connected to a DEC 16-port repeater, additionally I
> have two Win95 machines connected and a MAC G3 connected to this
> repeater as well. All machines running are running ethernet to the
> repeater and can access the internet (outside the LAN) without a
> problem. My problem begins here, however...I have samba running on the
> RHL box to provide file sharing and this works fine for the Win95 boxes
> as well as the MAC while its running VirtualPC (which is an image of
> Win95b on the MAC -- pretty cool actually). BUT, and there is ALWAYS a
> but, i want to be able to see the RHL box from the MAC box. I have
> appletalk compiled into the kernel on the RHL machine and also, at
> someone's suggestion, have netatalk installed/compiled and running (i
> think) on the RHL machine.

You think?  It would probably be good to make sure =)  Pehaps downloading the
latest binary compile of NetAtalk and installing it would ensure that you have
it running =)  You'll need to reboot, though, since NetAtalk can only start
during system boot.

Once you have this running, most (if not all) contributed RPM's I've
downloaded have built-in configuration so that at least *something* will show
up in the Chooser, and you can at least mount your home directory.

Something to keep in mind, AppleTalk will not start or bind to the Ethernet
port unless it gets a response from some other AppleTalk member on the
network.  For example, starting up not connected to a network will turn
AppleTalk off, or it will at least revert to the printer port.  Same thing if
you turn the machine on while connected to a network with no AppleTalk
members.  So, if you Linux machine is on and AppleTalk is up, *then* you
startup the Macintosh, it should receive a response from the AppleTalk "ping"
it sends out and will be happy.

> Does anyone, or has anyone gotten this to work properly? It seems that
> when i enable appletalk on the MAC machine, not only can it NOT see the
> RHL shared files but also cant see the LAN or internet.

Are you sure you...

1. Have each machine set up with a unique IP Address (either real or through

2. Have TCP/IP bound to the Ethernet port via the TCP/IP control panel?

Beyond this, AppleTalk and TCP/IP are completely separated in Open Transport,
so a problem with one won't affect the other (assuming that problem isn't a
faulty NIC or something).


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